The Viking Dragon Blog

Norse History
What Festivals Did the Vikings Celebrate?
As an agricultural and seafaring society, the turning of the seasons was very important to old Norse culture. The average Norseman or woman would have based their tasks for the day, week or month o...

Norse History
The Four Viking Kings of England
The Vikings were a huge in England for centuries, but never did they hold more power than between 1013 - 1042, when the Danish Jelling Dynasty sat on the English throne.

Norse Gods
The Valkyries: Warrior Women of Asgard
Norse mythology is rich in fascinating figures and enigmatic spirits, though few have enjoyed such a lively legacy as the mythical Valkyries.

What is Asatru?
Though the Viking Age has long since passed, the echoes of Norse culture and mythology still resonate in modern Nordic society. No-one holds these millennia old traditions more sacred than the foll...

A Warrior’s Guide to Valhalla
In previous blog posts, we’ve looked extensively at the lives that Vikings lead, from the food that they ate to the role of women in society, but we’ve barely touched on the path that Norsemen and ...

Norse History
A Very Brief History of the First Viking Invasions of Britain
From the late 8th century until 1066, the sight of a Viking longship on the horizon was enough to strike fear into an Anglo-Saxon heart. Though it’s impossible to imagine Britain today without the ...

Norse Gods
Animals that Accompanied Norse Gods
The Animal Companions of Norse Gods We know the Norse Gods for their epic strength and wisdom, but behind every deity is their animal companion. You may associate the idea of spirit animals with in...

Norse History
Viking Food Explained
From Meat, to Mead, to Nutmeg: Viking Food Explained
Whether travelling overseas, fighting in a battle on foreign shores or simply toiling on the family farm, Vikings lead active lives which ne...

Norse History
A Day in the Life of a Viking Woman
A Day in the Life of a Viking Woman
The Middle Ages were not an easy time to be a woman. For a society that’s gone down in history for its raids and invasions, you might think that Viking women ...