The Viking Dragon Blog

Norse Gods
Andvari's Curse
In the world of the Norse myths, great tragedies sometimes grew from small mistakes. Take, for instance, the tale of Andvari’s curse, which shadowed the lives of the gods and of many generation...

Norse Gods
Balder's Ransom
'Balder’s Death' described how the trickster god Loki duped the blind god Hoder into killing Odin and Frigga's son Balder, the fairest of the gods. Balder’s death grieved most of his fellow...

Norse Gods
The Death of Balder
Balder, son of Odin and Frigga, was the best beloved of the Norse gods. His beauty was radiant, his graciousness was unmatched, and his wise judgments were never disputed by his high-tempered fello...

Norse Gods
The Norns
The Norns are female beings that that live in a hall by the well of Urd. They throw lots, carve runes, water the world tree Yggdrasil to keep it healthy and green and they weave the fates of al...

Norse Gods
Odin and Geirröth
One day as Agnar and Geirröth, the young sons of a mortal king, fished from a small boat, a wind drove them away from the shore and across the great sea. In the night their boat wrecked on...

Norse Gods
Freya, her name meaning lady, is not only the goddess of love, sex and fertility but also gold, sorcery, cats, death and battle. She houses the battle-slain, sharing half with Odin, in a great mead...

Norse Gods
The Fortification of Asgard and the Birth of Sleipnir
A long time ago, after the war between the Aesir and Vanir that had destroyed the walls of Asgard, a certain giant came to the kingdom of the gods and stated that he could build a fortificati...

Norse Gods
Heimdall is a god of the Aesir and a son of Odin, king of the gods. He is called 'the shining one' and has the whitest skin amongst the gods. He is also the watchman for Asgard, the gods' kin...

Norse Gods
The Goddess Hel
In the land of Niflheim, below the ancient roots of the World Tree Yggdrasil lies a hall called Sleet-Cold in the Kingdom of Helheim far north of Ginnungagap. It is the land of the dead. Those who...