Der Viking Dragon Blog

Norse History
Viking Settlements: How Far Did The Vikings Travel?
Between the 8th century and the end of the Viking age, the Vikings and other Norsemen traveled extensively in the Western part of the world. They traveled all over Europe, as far South as the Medit...

Norse Gods
Who Were the Viking Weather Gods in Norse Mythology?
Most cultures around the world throughout history have had some kind of deity or spirit that they attributed patterns of weather, tides, and other natural phenomena to; oftentimes, they have multip...

Norse Gods
5 Common Viking Names & Their Meanings
The name a parent bestows on their child can be one of the most important early gifts they give. Names have power, as many folkloric and religious traditions will tell you, and deciding on a name h...

5 Interesting Viking Rituals Explained
The world of the Vikings is often depicted in media as dangerous, violent, and uncultured; the Vikings are often the savage raiders who appear from the seas to attack the protagonists. The truth is...

What Is Odin The God Of?
Among the many iconic images of the Vikings is that of the skald, the war poet praising the gods for their protection and placating against their wrath as they sail toward new conquests. But who we...

Norse History
A Short History of the Vikings
There’s a common misconception that the term Viking refers to a particular ethnic group of people. This isn’t true; “Viking” was a profession and collective culture that encompassed people from acr...

Wikingerrunen und ihre Bedeutung erklärt
Sie haben wahrscheinlich schon einmal Wikingerrunen gesehen – die seltsamen, geradlinigen Symbole, die in den Medien der Wikinger vorkommen und Schilder und Schiffe schmücken. Sie mögen verwirrend ...

Norse History
Handel, Raubzüge und kultureller Austausch: Wikinger im Mittelmeerraum
Wenn Sie im 11. Jahrhundert einen Nordeuropäer fragten, was er von den Wikingern hielt, würden Sie wahrscheinlich hören, dass sie brutale, heidnische Räuber waren. Wenn Sie jedoch weiter nach Süden...

Norse History
Weibliche Wikinger-Kriegerinnen: Fakten vs. Fiktion
Obwohl die überwiegende Mehrheit der im Fernsehen, in Filmen und Museen dargestellten Wikingerkrieger Männer sind, ist die Popkultur in den letzten Jahren zunehmend von weiblichen Wikingerkriegern ...