112 products
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Plain Iron Penannular Brooch / Cloak Pins on Wool 20mm Plain Iron Penannular Brooch / Cloak Pin on Rock
Hand-Forged Iron Viking Ring on Rock Hand-Forged Iron Viking Rings on Hand
Iron Viking Ring
Sale priceFrom £12.00
Handmade Natural Linen Viking Trousers - Viking Reenactment Clothing Handmade Natural Linen Viking Trousers on - Large Size
Handmade Leather Viking Belts from the Viking Dragon 25mm (1 inch) leather Viking belt with brass buckle - Natural Veg Tan
Leather Viking Belt with Brass Buckle
Sale priceFrom £20.00

6 colors available

Wool Basic Viking Cloak - Grey - Viking Cloaks - Viking Clothing Handmade Green Wool Viking Cloak - Replica Viking Clothing
Handmade Wool Viking Cloak
Sale price£85.00

7 colors available

Wool Viking Tunic - Viking Tunics Wool Viking Tunic - S / Black - Viking Tunics
Mens Wool Viking Tunic
Sale priceFrom £75.00

5 colors available

Large horn spoon for Viking / Medieval feasting in Hand Large horn spoon for Viking / Medieval feasting in Medium Hand-Turned Wooden Bowl
Large Horn Porridge Spoon
Sale price£12.00
Plain Cone Mead Glass with Iron Snake Stand White background Plain Cone Mead Glass with Iron Snake Stand on Rock
Hand-Forged Iron Replica Viking Age Serpent Ring Iron Snake / Serpent Ring on Finger
Iron Snake / Serpent Ring
Sale price£12.00
Handmade Natural Linen Viking Tunic on Icy Crags Background Natural Linen Viking Tunic - Viking Tunics
Handmade Natural Linen Viking Tunic
Sale priceFrom £89.00
Handmade Leather Viking Jarl Boots - Viking Clothing & Footwear Handmade Leather Viking Jarl Boots Sole - Viking Clothing & Footwear
Large Decorated Iron Viking Cloak Pin from Birka Large Decorated Iron Viking Cloak Pin from Birka in Linen
Ox Horn Polished Viking Drinking Horns in 6 Sizes Ox Horn Polished Viking Drinking Horn in Hand - Extra Small
Embossed Replica Viking Bronze Ring Embossed Replica Viking Bronze Rings on Hand
Embossed Bronze Replica Viking Ring
Sale priceFrom £15.00
Bronze Replica Viking Ring from Orupgård, Falster, Denmark in Fingers Replica Viking Ring from Orupgård, Falster in Denmark - Silver
Replica Viking Ring from Falster
Sale priceFrom £20.00
Handmade Leather Viking Belt swith Brass Buckles Black 19mm Wide Leather Viking Belt with Brass Buckle
Long Leather Viking Belt with Brass Buckle
Sale priceFrom £22.00

6 colors available

Leather Replica Viking Shoes from York Leather Replica Viking Shoes from York on Stand with Other Shoes
Replica Viking Shoes from York
Sale priceFrom £95.00
Glass Viking Cone Beaker With Stand - Viking & Medieval Glasses Glass Viking Cone Beaker with Iron Serpent Stand on Rock
Small Horn Porridge Spoon in Hand Small Horn Porridge Spoons on Hand
Small Horn Porridge Spoon
Sale price£10.00
Handmade Polished Cow Horn Mead Cups with Hardwood Bases on Rock Handmade Polished Cow Horn Mead Cup with Hardwood Base in Hand - Mid Beige Striped
Horn Mead Cup with Wood Base
Sale price£15.00
Long Viking / Medieval Belt with Hand-Forged Iron Buckle - 20mm (0.75 inch) Width in Hand Long Viking / Medieval Belt with Hand-Forged Iron Buckle - 20mm (0.75 inch) Width on Hand
Silver Odin Protection Ring on Finger Silver Odin Protection Ring on Ledge
Silver Odin Protection Ring
Sale price£132.00
Silver Viking Luck Rune Ring - Front & Back Silver Viking Luck Rune Ring on Finger
Silver Viking Luck Rune Ring
Sale priceFrom £96.00
Decorated Glass Viking Cone Beaker with Blue Rim & Iron Stand - White Background Decorated Glass Viking Cone Beaker sWith Blue Rim & Stand - Viking & Medieval Glasses