Rob Wildwood Books

Books by our creator, Rob Wildwood, including his brand new book - 'Magical Britain', along with 'Magical Places of Britain', 'Primal Awareness' & 'Land of The Fae - Merlin's Quest'.
'Magical Britain" is a unique atlas of magical Britain reveals an enchanted and often forgotten mythical past, charted through the hidden places in its sacred landscape. Explore Britain’s mysterious otherworld of spirits, fairies, giants and dragons and reconnect with folklore, myth and paganism in 650 sites. Featuring original and evocative photography, detailed descriptions of stories and folklore, plus 36 secret locations never previously published.
Discover Britain's Magical Places using this handy guidebook 'Magical Places of Britain', packed with stunning full colour photographs, extracts of folklore and directions and map references to all the sites listed.
'Primal Awareness' is a short history of mankind's separation from nature and the world of spirit. This book explains, in a simple step by step approach, the history of mankind's separation from nature and the world of spirit. Each level of separation is explored in a clear and concise way, including an overview of how it is affecting our world today.
'Land of The Fae - Merlin's Quest' is a book by Rob Wildwood which takes a journey through the faery portal into the mysterious Otherworld landscape of Britain!