The Viking Dragon Blog

Norse Gods
Thor and Utgarda-Loki
One day, a long time ago, Thor and Loki were riding across the nine worlds in Thor's wain pulled by his goats Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder. It was approaching nightfall and the pair spotted a ...

Norse Gods
Mjolnir Thor's Hammer Pendant
Thor's Hammer - Mjolnir
Capable of leveling mountains, Thor's hammer is one of the most powerful weapons in existence. The divine thunder weapon. Thor's hammer is called Mjolnir which can be ...

Norse Gods
How Thor's Hammer - Mjolnir was Created
There's nothing more frightening than the anger of a god. Especially the thunder god Thor and one day in Asgard all the gods heard his thunderous rage throughout the halls.
Loki had been mor...

Norse Gods
How Thor Regained his Stolen Hammer
One morning in Asgard, Thor, god of thunder, awoke to find his hammer, Mjolnir missing. Mjolnir was Thor's favorite and most powerful weapon and it's name means Lightning.
Thor searched everywh...

Norse Gods
How Odin Sacrificed his Eye at Mimir's Well
As Odin sat on his high seat pondering the cosmos he was disturbed by certain whisperings among the branches of the great world tree Yggdrasil, the mighty tree that holds all the nine worlds in it...

Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones Horn Beer Mugs
Our 'Game of Thrones' horn mugs continue a tradition in the use of horns for feasting that dates back at least to the Viking Age when celebrations and fellowship around beer and mead were commonpl...

Viking Products
Gotland Crystal Pendants
Silver Gotlandic Viking pendants with a moveable crystal ball.
These Crystal Pendants are a beautiful example of the craftsmanship that went in to creating Viking Jewelry and art.
Our Crystal V...

Our History
Welcome to The Viking Dragon
From 'Jelling Dragon' to 'The Viking Dragon', our new website 'The Viking Dragon' is a fresh design that has been created due to customer demand and showcases all of our best and most popular prod...