The Viking Dragon Blog

5 Interesting Viking Rituals Explained
The world of the Vikings is often depicted in media as dangerous, violent, and uncultured; the Vikings are often the savage raiders who appear from the seas to attack the protagonists. The truth is...

What Is Odin The God Of?
Among the many iconic images of the Vikings is that of the skald, the war poet praising the gods for their protection and placating against their wrath as they sail toward new conquests. But who we...

Viking Runes & Meanings Explained
You’ve probably seen Viking runes before - the strange, straight-lined symbols that populate Viking media and decorate shields and ships. While they may look confusing and mystical, the reality of ...

Seidr: How the Vikings Saw the Future
The Vikings believed that the universe around them was controlled by a rich pantheon of gods and spirits. In a volatile world, impacted so heavily by the seasons, disease and other forces of nature...

What We Know About Viking Tattoos
Even if we don’t have any hard evidence that Vikings tattooed themselves, it’s not far from the realm of possibility. Tattooing was practised in Northern Europe long before the Viking age and is kn...

Did the Vikings Really Make Human Sacrifices?
Blood sacrifice was a central part of many Viking rituals, from established yearly celebrations to pre-battle rallying. While we know that sheep, cows, pigs and goats would often find themselves on...

What is Asatru?
Though the Viking Age has long since passed, the echoes of Norse culture and mythology still resonate in modern Nordic society. No-one holds these millennia old traditions more sacred than the foll...