USA Viking Festivals 2023 - The Viking Dragon Blog

USA Viking Festivals 2023

Viking Festivals & Markets 2023 in the USA! Visit USA Viking Festivals in Michigan, North Carolina, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, Minnesota, Washington, California and Maryland!
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Viking Festivals & Markets 2023 in the USA!

USA Viking Festivals & Viking Markets 2023


Whether your a Viking festival veteran, or new to the Viking scene, there is something for everyone at a Viking festival. Spend all day browsing Viking stalls, go see a Viking combat demonstration, learn Viking crafts, Viking age cooking, take part in a Viking beard competition, or just go and have a few drinks in a Viking mead hall!

Have a look below at the many different Viking festivals and Viking markets in the USA, drop by for a taste of Viking culture and stock up on your Viking wares!

More festivals will be added throughout the year as and when I get more info, so if you want your festival adding then please email me the details to and include your official page and dates for us to use.

February 2023

24-Feb - 26-Feb | Michigan Nordic Fire Festival - Charlotte, Michigan, USA

Viking Accessories from The Viking Dragon - Shop Now

March 2023

25-Mar - 26-Mar | The Viking Experience Festival - Stem, North Carolina, USA

April 2023

21-Apr - 23-Apr | Return of the Sun - Ravensborg Viking Longfort, Knox City Missouri, USA
28-Apr - 30-Apr | Viking Fest - Whitestown, Indiana, USA
29-Apr - 30-Apr | Ashville Viking Festival - Ashville, Ohio, USA

May 2023

13-May | Manassas Viking Festival - Manassas, Virginia, USA

Viking Crafts from The Viking Dragon - Shop Now

June 2023

23-Jun | Ohio Viking Festival - Cortland, Ohio, USA

July 2023

08-Jul - 09-Jul | Greybeards Viking Experience - Warrenton, North Carolina, USA

Viking Warrior Costume from The Viking Dragon - Shop Now

August 2023

12-Aug | Crow Wing Viking Festival - Brainerd, Minnesota, USA

September 2023

09-Sep - 10-Sep | Midgard Viking Festival - Arlington, Washington, USA
09-Sep - 10-Sep | Norse West Viking Fest - Yelm, Washington, USA
16-Sep - 17-Sep | Vista Viking Festival - Vista, California, USA

October 2023

Viking Books from The Viking Dragon - Shop Now

November 2023

03-Nov - 05-Nov | Fenrir Viking Festival - Eminence, Kentucky, USA
04-Nov - 05-Nov | Vikingscon - La Plata, Maryland, USA