121 products
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Polished Amber Chips With Drilled Holes on Rock x 20g Polished Amber Chips With Drilled Holes on Rock x 10g
Viking Age Clothing - Outdoor Clothing Book - Front Cover Viking Age Clothing - Outdoor Clothing Book - Back Cover
Leather Belt Straps in 6 Different Colours - Viking Craft Supplies Black Leather Belt Strap - Belt Straps and Fittings - Raw Materials
19mm (0.75 inch) Wide Leather Belt Strap
Sale priceFrom €11,95

6 colors available

Handmade Birch Wood Tablet for Tablet Weaving - Viking Crafts Handmade Birch Wood Tablets x 4 for Tablet Weaving - Viking Crafts
Round Leather Thong Reels - 1mm to 5mm widths Leather Thong Reel 1.5mm Width - Viking Leather craft
Bone Nalbinding Needle - Small - In Hand Bone Nalbinding Needle - Small - In Hand with Yellow Wool Yarn
Scandinavian Vendel Period Clothing Booklet - Front Cover Scandinavian Vendel Period Clothing Booklet - Back Cover
Hand-Forged Large Iron O Ring on Misty Iceberg Background Hand-Forged Large Iron O Ring - used as Axe Hanger
Forged Steel Rivets / Nails for Shield Bosses x 10 - In Hand Forged Steel Rivet / Nail for Shield Bosses
Steel Shield Rivets / Nails - Small
Sale priceFrom €0,95
Leather Belt Straps in 6 Different Colours - Viking Craft Supplies Black Leather Belt Strap - Belt Straps and Fittings - Raw Materials
38mm (1.5 inch) Wide Leather Belt Strap
Sale priceFrom €19,95

6 colors available

Small Wooden Handle Viking Knife Small Wooden Handle Viking Knife in Hand
Raw Amber Chips with Drilled Holes in Hand Raw Amber Chips with Drilled Holes x 10g
Amber Chips with Drilled Holes
Sale priceFrom €6,95
Ox Horn Polished Viking Drinking Horns in 6 Sizes Ox Horn Polished Viking Drinking Horn in Hand - Extra Small
Ox Horn Polished Viking Drinking Horn
Sale priceFrom €12,95
Viking Age Clothing - Caps & Mittens Booklet - Front Cover with Patterns Pullout Viking Age Clothing - Caps & Mittens Booklet - Back Cover
Leather Belt Straps in 6 Different Colours - Viking Craft Supplies Brown Leather Belt Strap - Belt Straps and Fittings - Raw Materials
12mm (0.5 Inch) Wide Leather Belt Strap
Sale priceFrom €8,95

6 colors available

Viking Age Hand-Forged Medium Snips / Shears on Hand Viking Age Hand-Forged Snips / Shears in Hand Cutting Waxed Linen Thread
Viking Age Hand-Forged Snips / Shears
Sale priceFrom €12,95
Leather Belt Straps in 6 Different Colours - Viking Craft Supplies Natural Veg Tan Leather Belt Strap - Belt Straps and Fittings - Raw Materials
32mm (1.25 inch) Wide Leather Belt Strap
Sale priceFrom €18,95

6 colors available

Viking Age Clothing - Childrens Clothing Booklet with Pullout Patterns Viking Age Clothing - Childrens Clothing Booklet - Back Cover
Handmade Bone Viking Nalbinding Needle in Smaller Size with Hand-Carved Decorations on Hand Handmade Bone Viking Nalbinding Needle in Smaller Size with Hand-Carved Decorations in Fingers
Handmade Large Bone Viking Nalbinding Needle in Hand Handmade Large Bone Viking Nalbinding Needle in Hand with Wool Yarn
Hand-Forged Iron Age Viking Knife with Handmade Leather Sheath Hand-Forged Iron Age Viking Knife
Hand-Forged Iron Age Viking Knife
Sale priceFrom €41,95
Leather Belt Straps in 6 Different Colours - Viking Craft Supplies red Leather Belt Strap - Belt Straps and Fittings - Raw Materials
50mm (2 inch) Wide Leather Belt Strap
Sale priceFrom €26,95

6 colors available

Woman's Folding Replica Viking Knife on Rock Hand-Forged Woman's Folding Viking Knife - Viking Weapons / Viking Feasting
Scottish Stag Antler Roll in Hand Scottish Stag Antler Rolls in Pile - Angle View
Scottish Stag Antler Roll
Sale price€14,95