What Kind of Armour Did the Vikings Wear? - The Viking Dragon Blog
Norse History

What Kind of Armour Did the Vikings Wear?

The Vikings have gone down in history as some of Europe’s greatest fighters, waging war on battlefields from Ireland to Istanbul. What Armour did they wear?
Viking Age Ingredients for Medicine - Health and Healing in the Viking Age  - The Viking Dragon Blog
Norse History

Health and Healing in The Viking Age

It’s hard to imagine how health and medicine would have looked almost a thousand years before the discovery of germ theory, antibiotics and anaesthesia. But even without our modern knowledge about ...
Did Vikings Really Have Tattoos - The Viking Dragon Blog

What We Know About Viking Tattoos

Even if we don’t have any hard evidence that Vikings tattooed themselves, it’s not far from the realm of possibility. Tattooing was practised in Northern Europe long before the Viking age and is kn...
Did the Vikings Really Make Human Sacrifices? - The Viking Dragon Blog

Did the Vikings Really Make Human Sacrifices?

Blood sacrifice was a central part of many Viking rituals, from established yearly celebrations to pre-battle rallying. While we know that sheep, cows, pigs and goats would often find themselves on...
A table laid with modern offerings for Sigrblót - The Viking Dragon Blog
Norse History

What Festivals Did the Vikings Celebrate?

As an agricultural and seafaring society, the turning of the seasons was very important to old Norse culture. The average Norseman or woman would have based their tasks for the day, week or month o...
The Four Viking Kings of England - The Viking Dragon Blog
Norse History

The Four Viking Kings of England

The Vikings were a huge in England for centuries, but never did they hold more power than between 1013 - 1042, when the Danish Jelling Dynasty sat on the English throne.
The Valkyries - Warrior Women of Asgard - The Viking Dragon Blog
Norse Gods

The Valkyries: Warrior Women of Asgard

Norse mythology is rich in fascinating figures and enigmatic spirits, though few have enjoyed such a lively legacy as the mythical Valkyries.
What is Asatru? The Viking Dragon Blog

What is Asatru?

Though the Viking Age has long since passed, the echoes of Norse culture and mythology still resonate in modern Nordic society. No-one holds these millennia old traditions more sacred than the foll...
Armed Scandinavian Warriors are Ready to Fight - A Warrior's Guide to Valhalla - The Viking Dragon Blog

A Warrior’s Guide to Valhalla

In previous blog posts, we’ve looked extensively at the lives that Vikings lead, from the food that they ate to the role of women in society, but we’ve barely touched on the path that Norsemen and ...