Viking Age Clothing - Viking Tunics and Dresses Book

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15 Page Step by Step Instruction Booklet, Detailing the Making Your Own Viking Shirt, Tunic or Women's Viking Dress.

Both women and men wore kyrtill (tunics or dresses) as the main garment during the Viking age, just as during the later medieval period. Under the tunic men wore a shirt (skyrta). Women could wear their dresses in combinations with sarks and smokks, or with just a sark underneath.

This booklet contains:

Details & patterns for a simple shirt / tunic, tunic / dress with fitted sleeves, tunic / dress with waist seam and an open tunic from Birka.
A5 size booklet with step by step instructions & examples in English.
Difficulty levels from beginner to intermediate.

Part of a set of 10 Viking age clothing booklets by Susanna Broome.

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