Brass Clothes Pin / Cloak Pin / Fibula

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Handmade Brass Clothes Pins / Cloak Pins / Fibulas in 4 Sizes.

- Also known as a penannular brooch / fibula.
- Sizes available : 20mm (0.8 inch), 25mm (1 inch), 30mm (1.2 inch), 40mm (1.6 inch), 50mm (2 inch).
- Brass clothes pins with brass closing pin.
- Great for pinning your leg wraps / winningas / puttees, or for pinning light - medium clothing.


- Open it up so the pin is pointing in the opposite direction to the hole in the ring.
- Stick the pin through the cloth and then back out again so that the pin is held in place by the cloth.
- Close the cloak pin all the way so that the end of the pin passes through the ring.
- Turn the ring though 90 degrees to lock in place.

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